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Biblioteca Municipal
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An entity conjured by Porto-based artists Inês Tartaruga Água and Xavier Paes, whose idiosyncratic visions and actions take up their own definitive time and space within the movements of that city and this country. Their self denominated “Psychedelic Crypto Anarchy” translates into a music out of line with the hyperreal flux of these times, finding in the slowness of days a way to altered states of the psyche very much in line with Peter J. Carroll's Liber Null index. Adopting some sort of blessed poverty of means, they call upon field recordings, sparse electronic processing, made up instruments and patient knob twiddling to erect some abstract sensory field not that far removed from psychonauts such as Thuja, Double Leopards, Pelt or Part Wild Horses Mane on Both Sides, stripping away the aseptic gloss of the ambient bandwagon.  

Photo by Miguel Vieira Pinto